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Car/Auto Loans, Title Loans, Compare the Rates and Secured/Unsecured Loans
Category: Articles Date: 05 Aug, 2015
A car loan is as simple as any other loan, as it is associated within the car buyer and the loan donator. It allows the buyer to take a certain amount as loan, buy his vehicle and then pay off the money in installments. The time period of each installment varies from company to company but is normally monthly or once in three months. Depending on the use of a car and the economy of a buyer; car loans can be divided into secured or unsecured car loans.

Auto/Car Insurance, How to get Online Quotes?, Cheapest and Best Insurance Policies
Category: Articles Date: 05 Aug, 2015
Auto/car insurance is a way of securing you automobile from any unconditional accidents that might result in the damage or loss of the vehicle. It is simply the policy to give back the owner of the destroyed vehicle something from his insurance policies. History dates back to the First World War when this practice was started in countries like England, France and Germany. By paying your insurance month by month, you are helping to make your finance stronger.

Donate a Car to Charity, to Tax Deduction, Needy Families or to Goodwill
Category: Articles Date: 05 Aug, 2015
Car donation, as the name says is a process of donating your car to any charitable organization by following some strict set of policies and rules. Unlike car re-selling, you don’t make a profit when you donate a car especially when giving away a car to a charity. There aren’t any basic laws when it comes to car donation; however there are rules regarding the tax deduction and offering.