Donate a Car to Charity, to Tax Deduction, Needy Families or to Goodwill
Date: 05 Aug, 2015 Report This

What is Car donation?
Car donation, as the name says is a process of donating your car to any charitable organization by following some strict set of policies and rules. Unlike car re-selling, you don’t make a profit when you donate a car especially when giving away a car to a charity.
Merits of car donation:
- One of the few merits of donating a car; you will have a good feeling about it.
- There are certain companies that offer you an auto donation tax deduction.
- Some organizations even offer you tours and holiday packages in different places.
Demerits of car donation:
- Some charities confirm you to offer best car donation facilities, but might not be following the rules of car donation, which might put your decision in a big trouble.
- If a company takes your car away and puts it in misuse, you might even have to face law issues.
Car Donation Laws:
There aren’t any basic laws when it comes to car donation; however there are rules regarding the tax deduction and offering. While the value of your ta is directly proportional to the value of your car, still the rules different from once place to another.
Types of Car Donation:
Car donation can be generally categorized into profitable and non- profitable. Profitable car donation gives you an appropriate amount of money, depending upon the condition and engine life of your vehicle. A non- profitable car donation is mainly focused on emerging organizations, which are in a race to make a name for themselves. These companies do not pay you much or at all, but put your car in a better use.
Where do I donate a car?
There can be confusions when it comes to finding a right place where you can donate your car. Of course, there are many different organizations and charities that look like the ultimate destination, but not “all that glitters are gold”. There can be various places as to where you can donate your car. Governmental organizations, NGOs, Charities and some local organizations have been receiving car donation for many years now. If you check out online, you will find plenty of places to donate a car in New York or some other car donations around Seattle. You can get information for donating a car by visiting the Car Donation Services, Inc located in California. Also, there are several campaigns going on by the Red Cross and other organizations which can be a good place to start your donating career.
Donation for Charity
There are a lot of charities around the world, that would like you to donate your car to them, and in return they will pay you too. These kinds of charities have been doing this for a long time and serving people from around the world. For example, the National Kidney Foundation has raised more than 250 million dollars to help the victims of kidney diseases. There are also societies that offer donation for the blind. Other charities include Donate A Car, African Aid Organization or Agagpe Villages, which are highly rated amongst others.
Donation for Tax deduction
This allows you to change the tax rate of your car, if the market value of your vehicle has been lower than when you bought it. By determining the value of your car using tools like “Used Car Values calculator”, the company will offer you certain amount of tax wavier. Similarly, and are some sites that have been providing similar services.
Donation for Goodwill
There are many Goodwill donations, which complete the donation process pretty fast and in ease. By just contacting one of just organization, your car donating process will not be a burden but a solution to free your parking space and get your old car out of your sight. Apart from donating to a reputed company, you can donate and make a reputation for yourself too.
Process of car donation
- Firstly, check and compare different donation organizations, their policies, rules and values.
- The next step would be to simply call up the organization that you have selected and they will come to your doorstep and take it away. All you have to say is “donate my car”.
- Websites like can prove to be somewhat helpful if you don’t have any idea about donating a car.