Helen Reddy Wiki, Bio, Young and Net Worth
Date: 28 Mar, 2015 Report This

Helen Maxine Lamond Reddy, also known as Helen Reddy, is a popular singer as well as actress of Australia. She was born in 25th October, 1941 in Melbourne. From her young age, she wanted to be engaged in the acting field. Her family also supported her lot to make herself reach in this position. She is a versatile talent who is efficient in playing instruments like guitar and piano.
Her many songs had been listed in the top 10 Billboard List as well. She has won many awards because of her vocals. Her most popular song was “I Am Woman” which brought the revolutionary change in the society of differentiation between male and female. She is also the first Australian to win the Grammy Award. At one time, her songs were very popular among the listeners and provided 3 consecutive successful hits in the same year.
In case of the marriage, she has been married thrice and all these three times, she got divorced as well. She got married for the first time at the age of 20. As the age difference between her husbands, Kenneth Claude Weate and her, was so much; their relationship did not last long. They had one daughter named Traci. She got married for the second time in 1968 with Jeff Wald. Their relationship got ups and downs time and again. At last in 1981, Helen filed a divorce because of her husband’s drug abuse. Later, in 1983, she got married to Milton Ruth. But their relation also broke in 1995.
She remained very busy in early 1970s and was one of the successful singers at that time. Though she is Australian by nationality, she has the dual citizenship of both Australia and America. She is of white ethnicity and has been actively involved in community affairs. She follows the Democratic political party and she has also raised millions of dollars for the betterment of the party. Though she has always been busy of her works, she always manages time to be with her kids.
She has already reached the age of 73. But also, she looked much younger than that. There are still millions of fans around the world. In case of height, she is 5 feet 9 inch tall. Besides singing, she has also engaged herself in the TV shows such as “The Bobby Darin Show”. She has also played small roles in some of the movies in the past. She always loves to get time pass with her grand children. She had also the great figure with the sexy legs, which were also the plus point for her popularity.
Lately, her health has been deteriorating. She has always been the edge of dead or alive. This strategy has always helped her to achieve her goals. You can follow her in the social networking sites such as twitter, Facebook and Instagram. You can also find her songs and the sexy bikini pictures in the related sites. She is also one of the richest singers with the net worth of $378 million. To know more about her full biography, you can visit Wikipedia. She has also got her own website from which you can gain knowledge about her.